ICTS – Innovation Center for Tropical Science

Innovation Centre for

Tropical Sciences


The use of natural resources available in forests should be directed to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), mainly shown through the output of production forest exploitation activities conducted by corporations both in natural and plantation forests. The output of production forest exploitation activities is indicated by the optimization and efficiency of resource utilization.

Currently, IUPHHK-HA has implemented reduced impact logging (RIL) methods but timber harvesting is still carried out using conventional ways. As a result, it has not been able to increase the efficiency of optimal wood utilization and leaves a lot of wood waste. The potential waste from harvesting wood reaches 2.21 million m3/year and is left behind in the cutting compartment. The waste from wood harvesting in the natural forest is still high because it reaches ± 17%. This waste has great potential to increase country’s devisa and at the same time reduce the national trade balance deficit, especially when the global woodchips market demand increased by 6.35% during 2018-2019. The unutilized waste of wood harvesting is caused by several problems, among others, the inclusion of waste in the category of small logs (KBK), varying definitions and sources of waste, lack of connectivity between potential waste and the industry that uses it, inefficient harvesting and gaps between policies and market needs.

This report presents the results of study on the utilization of logging waste in natural forest concessions, including analysis of the actual potential waste, utilization scenarios, and alternative products as well as economic analysis of several alternative products.

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